The American Humane Society attempted to investigate the allegations, but nothing was confirmed except for the fact that the movie does not depict any animal injuries or deaths. Unfortunately, after the film's release, animal-rights groups in Australia and Europe accused the Japanese filmmakers of cruelty and of killing or injuring the various cats and dogs used in the production for the benefit of the movie's plot. The movie places great value on overcoming differences, suggesting that if Milo and Otis can do it, so can people. Cat and dog are there for each other in the end. Above all, this is story of a friendship. Thus, although the animals here have human voices, the movie acknowledges their place in the natural world. The odyssey of two animal friends, a cat named Milo, and a dog named Otis, as they journey through the Japanese wilderness. We see animals born and eaten Milo catches a trout, the raccoon shows up and steals the trout, only to have a bear show up and claim it for himself. The movie also addresses the cyclical nature of life, demonstrating that birth and death are part of the process. Milo and Otis are reunited, and soon find mates of their own: Joyce, a cat, for Milo and Sondra, a pug, for Otis. Finally, the two catch up with one another while Milo is in the hole, Otis pulls him out by means of a rope. Like many adventure tales, The Adventures of Milo and Otis is a coming-of-age story: they leave home for the first time, undergo tests of their courage and friendship, and return ready to accept responsibility. Otis, for his part, follows Milo throughout, usually only an hour behind and less than a mile out of range. Dudley Moore provides the voice of Milo, Otis, and the narrator: he's alternatively excited and droll, speaking for each animal character and providing amusing commentary. In terms of spunkiness, Milo is one of the most high-spirited rascals in children's cinema. To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails. Ultimately, this is a story of an unlikely but unconditional friendship.

The births of a litter of puppies and kittens are depicted, but not in an overly graphic manner. In one scene, Milo even jumps off a cliff. There are some frightening situations, especially when Milo and Otis are separated and must face predatory bears, seagulls, and other animals by themselves. The movie shouldn't be mistaken for a documentary, but it does show how dogs and cats deal with other farm and wild animals. Families sensitive to animal rights should know that the movie has since come under scrutiny for having possibly put the various dogs and cats in the film in dangerous situations for the benefit of the plot. He has a mom who looks after him very well and has siblings as well.
Parents need to know that The Adventures of Milo and Otis is a classic '80s family film and an entertaining look at how a barn cat and dog befriend each other and are willing to risk everything to help the other survive. Milo is a very curious kitten who likes to play and explore with his best friend Otis. nostalgia-chick-nostalgia-chick-the-adventures-of-milo-and-otis-5998797 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4.